


原文是中文,突然想着英文會不會比較美所以嘗試把結尾改寫成英文,結果果然慘劇了_(:_」∠)_ [不作死就不會死]

霍二DOS fanfic。配對偶不說大家能看出來嘛2333[誰理你]<<冷CP專門家今天也在一人樂之路上一騎絕塵(●'ཀ'●)ノ



“Will you invite me to mereth en gilith after we accomplish the final victory of this battle?”


A small pause. The dwarf warrior was ready to be turned down by a despising rejection as always. However, his expectation turned out to be an overjoyed surprise while he heard Legolas offered with alacrity that he even doubted his ears' function and thought it an illusion or a dream. The elven prince turned and looked directly into his eyes with those fascinating aquamarine blue eyes shining through the frames and ashes which reflecting a magnificent universe much more brilliant than Arkenstone the King's Jewel. 

“—for that, fight hard and don't die till then.”




誰曉得到最後那句[本文唯一一句甜]話居然會變成BE flag都是原作的錯怒摔!!!



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